Rendering of the Columbarium and Prayer Garden
Thank you for your interest in our columbarium
Have you thought about your final resting place? If you are choosing cremation, you have the opportunity to reserve a spot among the many individuals who have secured a niche in the St. Henry Columbarium and Prayer Garden. Each niche can accommodate the cremains of up to 2 individuals and is currently priced at $5,000. The Columbarium and Prayer Garden will be situated in the courtyard outside the Narthex, replacing the current Walk of Faith.
To begin the process of securing your niche please read the Columbarium Policies and Regulations booklet below and fill out the interest form at the bottom of this page.
For those parishioners and family members who cannot afford to purchase a niche until the time of their death, a niche purchase through a letter of intent may be the route for you. With a $500 deposit you secure a niche at the current selling price no matter how long it is until you have need of it.
$500 down payment + $5,000 niche price = $5,500
To being the process of securing your niche through a Letter of Intent, read and sign the above Columbarium Policies and Regulations Booklet along with the Letter of Intent below. Please fill out the form below and a staff member will reach out to you.
*Until the pre-construction sales goal is met, all funds will be restricted and returned if the goal is not met.
Hear why Fr. Mark believes a columbarium at St. Henry Church will make a big difference. WATCH THE VIDEO HERE
A Columbarium is a structure (e.g. wall) with niches where urns containing the remains of our loved ones are interred.
"The church permits cremation, provided that it does not demonstrate denial of faith in the resurrection of the body." Catechism of the Catholic Church, (¶ 2301)
The columbarium will be located in the area between the narthex and the parish office building currently known as the "Walk of Faith" courtyard. The current Walk of Faith will be refurbished and retained as part of the columbarium design.
The Columbarium will be used only for the cremated human remains of current and former members of St. Henry parish and their families.