+ Fellowship Sunday

Fellowship Sunday is held after the 9 a.m. Mass on Sunday in the Fellowship Hall. Families enjoy coffee, donuts and juice served by parish volunteers.

Groups and families are always needed to host and serve. Contact Kristy Carlton at kcarlton@sthenry.org to volunteer.

+ H.O.P.E Ministry

H.O.P.E. (Healing, Optimism, Prayer and Encouragement)is a community that gather to support the journey through cancer and other life-changing illneses, including survivors, caregivers, family members and friends. We hold uplifting events designed to foster positive and prayerful connections through the seasons of healing. For more information contact us at thehopeministry1@gmail.com.

+ Knights of Columbus

Saint Henry Knights of Columbus Council 12012 serves the parish and community by raising and distributing over $10,000 each year. They also work with youth, volunteer, host special events, and support individuals and groups in meeting their goals. The Knights are also supportive of events that take place in the parish. Are you interested in becoming a Knight? Visit the council website, facebook page or contact Mark Abolins, Grand Knight at kofc12012@gmail.com.

+ Men's Club

Dedicated to promoting fellowship among all men of the parish through social, spiritual, and task-oriented activities. In addition, it functions as an accessible resource to other organization of Saint Henry Parish and Saint Henry School on an as needed basis. For more information contact the Men's Club at sthenrysmensclub@gmail.com.

Men's Club meets on one Thursday of each month from August to May at 7 p.m in the Fellowship Hall. Below are a list of meeting dates:

Meeting Dates

February 8 - Chili Cook-off after 5 pm Mass in the Fellowship Hall

February 27 - Men's Club vs. Women's Club Trivia Night

March 20 - Meeting @ 7 pm Fellowship Hall

Open to all men of the parish and school community. Join us, you'll be glad you did!

+ Primetimers

The Primetimers is a group of parishioners 50+ years young who like to have fun and participate in church organized outings, short day trips, and other events in Nashville and surrounding areas. Parishioners have enjoyed BINGO and lunch, retreats, sightseeing trips, just to name a few of the exciting events. Watch the bulletin for new events.

+ Stitch and Share

Meets on the first Wednesday of each month at 9 a.m. in the Parish Atrium

The Stitching and Sharing group sews and knits "Linus" blankets for children who are hospitalized and makes hats and scarves for the homeless. Volunteers are always welcome to help knit and make rosaries.

+ Holy Family Circle

Holy Family Circle is a ministry group for families with young children. Whether you are expecting your first and want support in your church community or have a young child needing a play date, you are welcome at St. Henry! We provide meals for new families with new babies, playdates for littles and caregivers, mom meetings, and more! Please join the email list and Groupme Join HFC7: https://forms.gle/whob9ud9un5Shkcg7

+ Women's Club

Membership in the Women’s Club consists of women of all ages who are members of Saint Henry Parish. Its mission is to serve the needs of the pastor, the church community, and the larger community within Nashville. Small annual dues helps defray costs of many social and spiritual events. For more information email sthenrywomensclub@gmail.com. If you would like to pay your Women's Club Annual Dues, you can now do that online by clicking HERE.

+ Young Adults

The Young Adult Ministry is for young adults in their 20’s and 30’s. Activities include trivia nights, sports, hikes and opportunities to gather for Mass, Adoration, and Faith Sharing. For more information, contact Meghan Nicholson at mnicholson@sthenry.org

Young Adult Ministry

Sign up here to receive YA emails monthly with events and news

Kickball League

Thursdays a 6:30- Kickball League open to all free agent individuals, teams, and parishes

Sign Up HERE

Trivia Nights

Trivia on the first Monday of the month- email youthoffice@sthenry.org for more information!

Ladies Night

Ladies Night on the second Monday of the month for young adult women looking at the readings for the coming week

Special Social Events

special social events on Thursdays - please see Kickball for this month's events!

Young Adult Brunch

Brunch on the third Sunday following the 9 a.m. Mass at Sams Place

Follow Us!

Follow us on instagram! @sthenryyoungadults Please contact Meghan for more information on joining the ministry or being added to the GroupMe.


If you would like to get involved with any of the above, please fill out our contact form at the link below.