+ St. Vincent de Paul Society

SVDP Society at Saint Henry Church provides assistance to parishioners and non-parishioners with a variety of needs. Staffed by members of Saint Henry and supported by a monthly collection at the church, and once a month food collections at the school, the local St. Vincent de Paul Society helps those in need with necessities such as food, utilities and rent.

+ Room in the Inn - Main Campus

An interfaith agency for the homeless that supplies daycare, food stamps, and job and housing assistance.

+ St. Henry Room in the Inn

St. Henry Room in the Inn houses homeless guests at Saint Henry from the first Sunday night in November to the last Sunday night in March. Volunteers can help in any one of a number of ways: set up in the dining hall, drive vans, prepare dinners and sack lunches, spend the night as innkeepers, or clean up in the morning. Volunteers are always needed and welcomed!

+ Reconciliation Guest House

Creats an environment where families can suppport one another and meet their emotional and spiritual needs through the crisis of the incarceration of a loved one. Services offered includ a guest-house where family members may stay while visiting a loved on in prison, a support group for adults as well as tutoring and special programs for children.

+ Interfaith Dentistry

The Interfaith Dentistry Program is a non-profit organization providing affordable dental care to low-income, working families who do not have dental insurance.

+ Open Arms Ministry

Open Arms Ministry serves special needs young adults by pairing them up with a sponsor through the Catholic Church.

+ Nashville Rescue Mission - Women's Campus

Nashville Rescue Mission—Women’s Campus is an intense, comprehensive, Christ-centered program designed to help women (18 and over)understanding the reasons behind their struggle with addiction, homelessness, and other broken lifestyles-and what steps they need to take to rebuild their life on a solid foundation rooted in God's Word and long-lasting solutions. The Mission's program does not focus on just one part of a person's life, but believes that it is important to affect a person's entire life-physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and social. The rescue mission is committed to restoring the whole person through a Christian approach that helps the homeless and addicted learn how much God loves them and gain the Biblical insight they need to lead a productive life in and for Christ.

+ Matthew 25

Matthew 25 is a partner agency working with the United Way and Veterans Administration that provides a supportive and non-threatening environment, including counseling, room and board, and job assistance for up to eight months to men who make a commitment to remove themselves from the addiction that has made them homeless and unable to support themselves. Parish members and groups can assist by preparing dinner for 35 men one night, donating magazines, paperback books, bus tickets, supermarket gift certificates, durable men’s work clothes or supporting the job needs of an enrollee. This agency has shown itself to be very effective in accomplishing its mission.

+ North Nashville Outreach

North Nashville Outreach assists the most in-need of North Nashville. Volunteers provide home visitation, tutoring, help with finding employment, and assistance to the elderly.

+ Safe Haven

Safe Haven Family Shelter is an overnight shelter for five homeless families. Volunteers from St. Henry help on the first Thursday of each month by staying overnight as innkeepers, by preparing and serving a dinner for 20-25, and by contributing nonperishable breakfast foods for 20-25 people.

+ Social Action Committee

The responsibility of the Social Action Committee is to support the needs of parishioners and the community through new and existing social action programs, to promote charitable works, enlist human resources and publicity for social assistance. The members of this committee work to raise the awareness level of the parish as a whole, and to educate all as to the Catholic Church’s teachings on the wide variety of issues surrounding peace and justice.

+ St. Henry Haiti Ministry

The Haiti Mission, a part of the Twinning Program of the Americas, currently supports two Haiti parishes, Notre Dame de Guadalupe in Darlegrand and St. Thomas Aquinas in Thomassique. Since 1978, contributions from Saint Henry Church have provided educational, medical, and economic supplies to our brothers and sisters In Haiti. Volunteers have not only made trips to Haiti to assess the needs of the parishes, but also continue to work to create an awareness at home of how our parish efforts are making a difference.

+ Ladies of Charity

The Ladies of Charity is an organization of Catholic women who volunteer their time and talent in many areas of charitable work in the community. For over 119 years we hve been a beacon of hope for the needy. No exclusion is made with regard to religion, race or ethnicity of the people we serve. Our primary source of income is the operation of our volunteer consigment clothing sale. We provide scholarships to 4 girls to attend area Carholic high schools. Our welfare program assists with rent,utilities, and food assistance. We welcome any ladies to join our mission to "serve, rather than be served."

+ The Renewal House

The Renewal House recognizes that separating a mother, or mother-to-be from her children during addiction treatment is not effective. So, they keep the mother and her children together throughout the recovery process recognizing that this is effective for both the mother and the child in developing healthy and productive lives.

+ Nurture the Next

NTN works in homes of young families, living in poverty, helping them break cycles of violence and hardship. We walk alongside parent on their parenting journey. NTN runs the statewide domestic violence helpline and the parent helpline. Advocacy and education work happens across the state in order to better support children and families.

If you would like to get involved with any of the above, please fill out our contact form below.