+ Daily Rosary Group
Daily Rosary Group is an opportunity to pray the rosary in communion with others. Rosaries are said after 6:30 a.m. and 8 a.m. daily Mass and after 8:00 a.m. Saturday and 7:30 a.m. Sunday Masses.
+ First Friday Adoration
First Friday Adoration occurs on the first Friday of each month. Volunteers are needed to be present with the Blessed Sacrament during exposition. Sign-up sheets are in the back of the Chapel.
During the school year, Adoration begins in the Church and is brought to the Chapel after Benediction at 2:30 p.m. Adoration continues until 8 a.m. on Saturday. During the summer months, Adoration is in the Chapel.
A sign-up sheet is located at the back of the Chapel to choose an hour or more to spend time in the presence of our Lord.
For more information or to sign up, contact Jacque Trailov jtrailov@gmail.com.
+ Fishers of Men
Fishers of Men welcomes men of all ages meet for bible study, group prayer, and reflection on how to see Christ at work in the lives. Meetings are on Monday mornings at 6:30 a.m. in the Parish Center Meeting Room. Men can participate as their schedules allow.
+ Legion of Mary
Legion of Mary members become instruments of the Holy Spirit through a balanced program of prayer and service under the guidance of the pastor. Members go out in pairs to visit the sick and aged, take the Fatima statue from home to home, do Sacred Heart Enthronements in homes, promote evangelization through personal contact, conducts prayer vigils at abortion facilities and other spiritual works requested by the pastor. Meetings are held at 9 a.m. on Thursdays in the Vespers Room in the parish center.
+ Only Say the Word Healing Ministry
Only Say the Word Healing Ministry is a healing team that prays over anyone needing physical or emotional healing. Prayer sessions are held at specific times in the Parish Center Library, or by appointment at your convenience. Currently available on the fourth Monday at 7:00 pm.